Whether you want to call it Central City West or just City West, or even Westlake, the area west of Downtown is certainly heating up right now. We’ve seen a number of new developments proposed for the area lately, including a 26-story tower at Seventh and Lucas and an even taller 36-story project at Seventh and Bixel.

Plans filed with the city Wednesday outline a slightly smaller eight-story project that would bring an unspecified number of apartments to the area. Planned for the intersection of Ingraham Street and Beaudry Avenue, the project would replace a small parking lot. Plans specify that it would include seven floors of apartments above commercial space on the ground floor.

There would be no parking built into the project. Instead, the developers plan to provide parking to tenants at an off-site location.

Once constructed, the building would certainly offer residents some excellent views of the 110 Freeway. Located between two overpasses, the project site directly overlooks the traffic to the immediate east.

The proposal comes as city planners come under greater scrutiny for approving freeway-adjacent projects that critics say pose risks to the health of residents. A recent Los Angeles Times investigation found that the city had approved building permits for 4,300 residential units near freeways in 2015, despite evidence that living in close proximity increases the risk of asthma, heart attacks, and strokes.

Article provided by Curbed | Elijah Chiland